   新華網北京11月21日電 據美國科技博客網站Gizmodo報道,有關谷歌錢包的傳言早在1年前就已經傳得沸沸揚揚了,谷歌近日終於發佈了這款“傳說中”的谷歌錢包(Google Wallet Card),這是一張實體的借記卡,可以從你的Wallet賬號中劃款購物。谷歌錢包卡由萬事達提供支持,跟平常的借記卡沒什麼兩樣,目前已經有售。
  安裝了安卓手機應用Google Wallet之後,只需設立自己的錢包賬號,你就可以下單啦。
  Google's New Wallet Card Brings It One Step Closer to Being a Bank
  Over a year after rumors first surfaced, Google has finally unveiled the Google Wallet Card, a physical debit card that you can use to spend money from your Wallet account. The Mastercard-powered piece of plastic works just like a regular debit card and is available right now.
  Again, the card is available immediately. You can order yours from the Google Wallet Android app or from your Wallet account. [Google]
  As the company explains in its announcement, the Wallet Card enables you to instantly access money in your Wallet account without having to wait for it to transfer to your bank account. That means you can make purchases both in physical stores and online, as well as withdraw money from ATMs. The Wallet Card is completely free, and the ability to go shopping with a Google-branded debit card nudges the search giant in the direction of online-only banks, such as Simple.

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